Kexin Zhu

Kexin Zhu

Fudan University

Kexin Zhu interned at PAT in 2023. His primary research interests include TTS, deep learning, and EEG. During his internship, he focused on EEG and authored a publication presented at ICASSP 2023 and two paper about TTS and Music AI.

  • EEG
  • TTS


  1. Symbolic and Acoustic: Multi-domain Music Emotion Modeling for Instrumental Music, (2023), †First Author, In ADMA2023 (CCF-C)
  2. Improving EEG-based Emotion Recognition by Fusing Time-frequency And Spatial Representations, (2023), †First Author, In ICASSP2023 (CCF-B)
  3. Improving Speech Representation Learning via Speech-level and Phoneme-level Masking Approach (2022) In MSN2022 (CCF-C)
