EMNLP 2023

EMNLP 2023


EMNLP, or the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, is one of the most influential international conferences in the field of natural language processing (NLP). Organized by SIGDAT, a special interest group under the International Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), EMNLP is held annually and serves as a key gathering for researchers, academics, and professionals interested in the empirical aspects of NLP. At EMNLP, experts from around the world come together to present and discuss their latest research findings, innovations, and breakthroughs in the realm of NLP. We have had 1 paper accepted.

Dec 6, 2023 — Dec 10, 2023

Jianzong Wang, the Honorary Director of the Laboratory, Receives Outstanding Reviewer Award at EMNLP 2023 Conference

Outstanding Reviewer Award

Yong Zhang
Yong Zhang