MM 2023

MM 2023


ACM Multimedia is the premier international conference in multimedia. It covers multiple emerging fields focusing on advancing the research and applications of many media, including but not limited to haptics, video, VR/AR, audio, speech, music, sensor and social data. This year, ACM Multimedia 2023 will be held in Ottawa, Canada. At ACM Multimedia 2023, we expect to welcome you all in Ottawa for an extensive in-person program consisting of technical sessions covering all aspects of the multimedia field via oral, video and poster presentations, tutorials, panels, exhibits, demonstrations, workshops, doctoral symposium, multimedia grand challenge, brave new ideas on shaping the research landscape, and open source software competition. We have had 1 paper of voice conversion accepted.

Oct 29, 2023 — Nov 3, 2023
Ottawa, Canada
Yimin Deng
Yimin Deng
University of Science and Technology of China
Huaizhen Tang
Huaizhen Tang
University of Science and Technology of China
Ning Cheng
Ning Cheng