VoiceExtender: Short-utterance Text-independent Speaker Verification with Guided Diffusion Model

The speaker embedding guidance diffusion model overview


Speaker Verification (SV) performance gets worse as utterances get shorter. To this end, we propose a new architecture called VoiceExtender which has two implementations and provides a promising solution for improving SV performance when handling short-duration speech signals. We used two bootstrap diffusion models, the built-in speaker embedding (SE) and the external-SE guidance diffusion model, both of which utilize a diffusion model-based sample generator that leverages SE guidance to augment the speech features based on a short utterance. Extensive experimental results on the Voxceleb1 dataset show that our method outperforms the baseline, with relative improvements in Equal Error Rate (EER) of 46.1%, 35.7%, 10.4%, and 5.7% for the short accent conditions of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 seconds, respectively.

In IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding 2023
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Yayun He
Yayun He
Zuheng Kang
Zuheng Kang