Aolan Sun

Aolan Sun


Aolan Sun is a Senior Algorithm Engineer specializing in voice synthesis at PAT. She is dedicated to developing high-quality voice synthesis systems and voice conversion systems, integrating cutting-edge algorithm technologies to support practical business applications. Her research achievements are centered around voice synthesis and include published papers in the Graph series, such as GraphTTS, GraphPB and FastGraphTTS.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • TTS
  • Voice Conversion
  • Talking Face


  1. FastGraphTTS: An Ultrafast Syntax-Aware Speech Synthesis Framework (2023) In ICTAI2023 (CCF-C)
  2. SAR: Self-Supervised Anti-Distortion Representation for End-To-End Speech Model (2023) In IJCNN2023 (CCF-C)
  3. Pre-Avatar: An Automatic Presentation Generation Framework Leveraging Talking Avatar, (2022), †First Author, In ICTAI2022 (CCF-C)
  4. Speech Representation Disentanglement with Adversarial Mutual Information Learning for One-shot Voice Conversion (2022) In INTERSPEECH2022 (CCF-C)
  5. Reconstructing Dual Learning for Neural Voice Conversion Using Relatively Few Samples, (2021), †First Author, In ASRU2021
  6. GraphPB: Graphical Representations of Prosody Boundary in Speech Synthesis, (2021), †First Author, In SLT2021
  7. GraphTTS: Graph-to-Sequence Modelling in Neural Text-to-Speech, (2020), †First Author, In ICASSP2020 (CCF-B)
