Zuheng Kang

Zuheng Kang


My research interests include Speaker Verification, etc.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Speaker Verification


  1. ACCon: Angle-Compensated Contrastive Regularizer for Deep Regression (2025) In AAAI2025 (CCF-A)
  2. Retrieval-Augmented Audio Deepfake Detection, (2024), †First Author, In ICMR2024 (CCF-B)
  3. Efficient Multi-Model Fusion with Adversarial Complementary Representation Learning, (2024), †First Author, In IJCNN2024 (CCF-C)
  4. VoiceExtender: Short-utterance Text-independent Speaker Verification with Guided Diffusion Model, (2023), ‡Co-first Author, In ASRU2023
  5. SVVAD: Personal Voice Activity Detection for Speaker Verification, (2023), †First Author, In INTERSPEECH2023 (CCF-C)
  6. Feature-Rich Audio Model Inversion for Data-Free Knowledge Distillation Towards General Sound Classification, (2023), †First Author, In ICASSP2023 (CCF-B)
  7. SVLDL: Improved Speaker Age Estimation Using Selective Variance Label Distribution Learning, (2022), †First Author, In SLT2022
  8. SpeechEQ: Speech Emotion Recognition based on Multi-scale Unified Datasets and Multitask Learning, (2022), †First Author, In INTERSPEECH2022 (CCF-C)
